⚒ Why “Project Management” is important for Stone Projects
In this post we will explain the benefits of implementing an efficient methodology for the management and direction of projects, specifically the those made with Natural Stone.
Every day there are more and more organizations that focus their way of working on a projects basis, and therefore, on an intelligent planning of resources, to achieve the objectives set.
“Project Management“ not only provides the benefit of achieving a specific project, but must be aligned with the company’s strategy to provide additional value to the organization.
First of all, let’s start by the beginning (a quick summary)
The correct application and integration of all the processes identified in our project, will allow their execution in a more effective and efficient way.
This way, an effective application of Project Management helps us to:
- Meet business objectives
- Satisfy our customers’ expectations
- Increase the chances of success
- Hand in our projects correctly and on time
- Solve problems and incidents
- Optimize resources
- Responding to risks in time
On the other hand, projects directed in an improvised way can lead us to
- Breaking Deadlines
- Overcosts
- Redoing tasks, stages, etc
- Uncontrolled project expansion
- Loss of reputation
- Dissatisfied clients
- In short, failure to achieve our objectives
It is a series of processes that are grouped into these five groups and where their application will depend on the type and complexity of each project.
Needless to say, it is essential to size each project correctly to optimize resources.
Preliminary definition and general version of the project to obtain authorization to start.
Estimation of the way to manage all aspects and needs of the project such as: Cost, Time, Scope, Risks etc
As its name suggests, it consists of completing the projected work
Control and comparison between theory and practice, i.e. what is planned versus what is actually being done, in order to make improvements where necessary
Deliver the product/result to the customer. At this stage it is important to collect and save experiences, which will undoubtedly help the team and the company as a whole in the future. And of course, to finally release the team ;-))
As it’s known, “stone” has inherent unique physical characteristics, given its “natural” condition, so appreciated and valued since antiquity. These natural characteristics make difficult to accurately predict the final result of a project, the problems we may encounter, etc. in short, foresee “the risks“.
Although it is not going to be possible to predict to eliminate these risks in their totality, we will be able to minimize them, in such a way that well identified and analyzed, an answer can be implemented so they do not affect the objectives of our project.
Project management will allow us not only to minimize risks, but also to establish the initial basic lines of the scope, schedule and cost. These are a picture of the objectives and constraints of our project plan.
Any change in one of them will affect the other two.
The monitoring and control of our schedule and costs, will allow us to know at any time of our project life cycle. Where we are, according to our planning, if we are ahead or behind and if we are over costs or according to our forecast.

Figure: Earned Value, Planned Value and Actual costs. PMBOK Guide 6th Edition
The integration in the Project Manager of all the processes of the different knowledge areas:
- Guarantees compliance dates
- Provides a plan for the Project Director
- Manages performance and changes in different activities
- Measures and monitors progress to take the right decisions.
Professionalizing the Project Management, makes that all the agents involved in the project, whether at national or international level, speak “the same language”.
The PMI (Project Management Institute) defines the foundations for project management in the PMBOK, which is a basis on which to build methodologies, policies, procedures, rules, etc., necessary for the practice of project management.
In Albora we are PMI certified Geologists and Project Managers and we take care of your project from start to finish.
As it can be seen in the previous scheme, the stone industry is not exactly complex, although, as we have been saying, the stone main characteristic, 100% natural, complicates to a considerable extent the execution of projects in any of its phases. Hence the importance of having qualified professionals in all possible areas.
At Álbora, thanks to our long experience in the stone and construction sector, we know the materials first hand. We are P.M.P. certified, we have regulated procedures that help us in the management of the project, which allows us to carry them out in an agile and efficient way.
If you have any questions or need help with a natural stone project, do not hesitate to contact us.
And of course, we thank you in advance for your comments.
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